4.1 IntroductionThis chapter described the results produced based on the methodology explained in Chapter 3. The results are shown and discussions are provided for each experiment. These experiments are divided into three (3) main parts Principal Components Analysis, training and recognition result and experimental result. Prototype model that is designed for this research purpose is also demonstrated in this chapter.
4.2 Principal Component Analysis
Sample face images from ORL face dataset is shown in Figure 4.1 respectively. The sample showed seven different persons with different conditions. For easy explanations only three face images from each class or persons is taken as training set. Thus, 21 face images is used as a training set and 49 face images as testing set. The training set is then converted into a big matrix, with its size where m is the number of training set and P is equal to number of pixels of each face image.
Figure 4.1: Example ORL dataset